Gigantic вики
Gigantic вики
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Major high strength common
Strength XI
Deal 100,000 total damage to enemy heroes.
The Virtue of Strength is embodied by the Guardians themselves.

Major high strength rare Strength XI
The might of the great beasts was once a source of fear in all the lands of Gig.

Major high strength legendary Strength XI
Tamed as Guardians, they now use their strength to serve the Empire.

Major high the rival common
The Rival XII
Earn 5 nemesis or archenemy badges.
Now Teth had a sister. / And she was subtle of mind and deed. / And she followed Teth when Teth sought the light of the heart star.

Major high the rival rare The Rival XII
But she gazed not directly upon the light. She watched the shadows cast upon the earth and trees and stone and upon her very flesh. / And each gift Aurion received from the Eternals, her sister stole.

Major high the rival legendary The Rival XII
But the stolen gifts were impure and the power was of darkness, not of light.

Major high death common
Death XIII
Earn 25 kills.
"Do not fear death. Those who die in valor are rewarded in the world beyond." - St. Ruslan of Karakesh

Major high death rare Death XIII
"Do not fear death. The light of the Eternals will guide you, even when you have passed from this world." - Hierophant Jhuris

Major high death legendary Death XIII
"Do not fear death. Master death and bend it to your will." - Lady Devaedra

Major high temperance common
Temperance XIV
Earn 3 assist spree badges.
The Virtue of Temperance is celebrated by House Aurion. They wield their power with restraint.

Major high temperance rare Temperance XIV
Earn 8 assist spree badges.
Sharing imperial rule with the knights of Karakesh showed Aurion was not driven by ambition. Thus the great alliance was born.

Major high temperance legendary Temperance XIV
Misguided though Devaedra's sorcerers may be, Aurion offers enlightenment through peace rather than conversion through war.

Major high the beast common
The Beast XV
End 3 enemy killing sprees.
Dark were the days before the coming of the Eternals. / Great beasts held dominion over land, sea, and sky.

Major high the beast rare The Beast XV
Then the heart star fell from the sky. / And our world was bathed in light.

Major high the beast legendary The Beast XV
Touched by the light of the heart star, the beasts were reborn as Guardians, shepherds of land, sea, and sky.

Major high the tower common
The Tower XVI
Deal 5,000 damage to enemy guardians.
The Rift had been thought uninhabitable before Devaedra built her tower there.

Major high the tower rare The Tower XVI
Every House Devaedra citadel has a Rift Chamber where Lady Devaedra may project her presence and make her will known.

Major high the tower legendary The Tower XVI
It is said Lady Devaedra never leaves her tower. The beings who attend the imperial council are simulacra, of which there are dozens at any one time.

Major high the star common
The Star XVII
Earn 40,000 match experience.
Of all the holy sites in the Empire, none is more sacred than the place where the heart star fell.

Major high the star rare The Star XVII
The place of the heart star is sometimes called the Star City or the City of the Gods.

Major high the star legendary The Star XVII
No mortals save the Hierophants themselves have ever entered the Star City.

Major high the moon common
The Moon XVIII
Help your team deal 50 wounds to enemy guardians.
"The moon seems inconstant, ever-changing, but there is a deeper truth hidden in its patterns." - Lady Devaedra

Major high the moon rare The Moon XVIII
"Transformation is life. Stagnation is death." - Lady Devaedra

Major high the moon legendary The Moon XVIII
"You must face the darkness to find the light." - Lady Devaedra

Major high the sun common
The Sun XIX
Generate 200 power for your guardian.
In ancient times, there were those who worshiped the sun as a god.

Major high the sun rare The Sun XIX
Aurion's priests call the sun the First Messenger, who presaged the starfall with each sunset and rise of the Eternals with each dawn.

Major high the sun legendary The Sun XIX
Many of the temples of Aurion celebrate the light of the sun. Its brilliance is a gift from the Emperor for all to see.

Major high judgment common
Judgment XX
Earn 3 creature defender or guardian defender badges.
The Virtue of Judgment was explained by the Hierophant with the legend of Melkior.

Major high judgment rare Judgment XX
Melkior was the greatest kingdom of its day, but its prince was faithless and full of pride.

Major high judgment legendary Judgment XX
His armies grew, but his wisdom did not. In the end his people suffered the ultimate judgment as Melkior destroyed itself.

Major high the world common
The World XXI
Earn 4 summoner, herald, or harbinger badges.
Guardians draw their power from the land itself.

Major high the world rare The World XXI
Earn 8 summoner, herald, or harbinger badges.
The energy of the land - mortal, magical, or spiritual - feeds the Guardians, making them nearly invincible.

Major high the world legendary The World XXI
In time, the land transforms under the influence of its Guardian.