Gigantic вики
Gigantic вики
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Major low the jester common
The Jester 0
Earn 30 assists.
Many lords have sought the wisdom of the Seer only to find their fate mocked by the cards.

Major low the jester rare The Jester 0
The Seer's laugh may change from jovial to ominous with the turn of a single card.

Major low the jester legendary The Jester 0
Who can say whether the Seer is an instrument of the Eternals or a wildcard for them as well?

Major low the magician common
The Magician I
Earn 8 different types of badges in a single game.
The first Hierophant spoke also of an enemy. A being who sought to subvert the Eternals at every turn.

Major low the magician rare The Magician I
Even as Aurion arose under the blessing of the Eternals, others arose under the Magician's gift of sorcery.

Major low the magician legendary The Magician I
Sorcerers of Devaedra embrace both the Emperor and the Magician. The bringer of law and the bringer of secrets.

Major low the high priestess common
The High Priestess II
Heal other allied heroes or creatures for 7,000 total health.
The priests of Aurion gained their healing arts from the Eternals.

Major low the high priestess rare The High Priestess II
The third Hierophant prayed to the Eternals, seeking a way to spread the light without war.

Major low the high priestess legendary The High Priestess II
As her houses of healing spread, the Empire grew. The third Hierophant is worshipped as the High Priestess to this day.

Major low the empress common
The Empress III
Win 3 matches.
The Eternal Empress is the goddess of victory.

Major low the empress rare The Empress III
The Guardians bond is sealed with a prayer to the Empress.

Major low the empress legendary The Empress III
The Empress is also called the Undefeated. No enemy can stand before an army led by Guardians.

Major low the emperor common
The Emperor IV
Earn 50 badges.
As the Empire has spread, so has worship of the Eternal Emperor. The Emperor's will must be served.

Major low the emperor rare The Emperor IV
We honor the Eternal Emperor in everything we do. Chief among the Eternals, he rules the gods.

Major low the emperor legendary The Emperor IV
We supplicate the Emperor with our prayers. He guides and answers us through the Hierophant.

Major low the hierophant common
The Hierophant V
Summon or upgrade 7 creatures.
And while others hid in fear, young Teth approached the fallen star and gazed upon its light. / And she was struck blind by its brilliance.

Major low the hierophant rare The Hierophant V
Summon or upgrade 14 creatures.
Though she could not see, Teth gathered heavy stones and there built an altar. / Teth kept vigil at the altar for seven days and seven nights and neither food nor water touched her lips.

Major low the hierophant legendary The Hierophant V
At the end of the seventh night, as the kiss of dawn touched the edge of the sky, a voice rang out. / "Arise, Aurion.And be Our shepherd of shepherds. Be Our servant and Our speaker."

Major low the twins common
The Twins VI
Win 2 matches while in a Crew with at least one other player.
The Eternals teach of the duality of spirit and flesh. We are all twins.

Major low the twins rare The Twins VI
True peace can only exist where there is unity between the Twins.

Major low the twins legendary The Twins VI
So too the bond between Guardian and Hero. Unity of Spirit may be found though flesh stands apart.

Major low the sky chariot common
The Sky Chariot VII
Earn 4 killing spree badges.
Long ago, the chariot of the Eternals painted fire across the sky. A light to illuminate our world.

Major low the sky chariot rare The Sky Chariot VII
The Hierophant teaches that all of Gig is a chariot. The Eternals guide our course among the stars

Major low the sky chariot legendary The Sky Chariot VII
Sorcerers speak of the Sky Chariot as an instrument of war, raining fire from the heavens..

Major low justice common
Justice VIII
Earn 6 revenge or avenger badges.
The Virtue of Justice is celebrated by House Karakesh.

Major low justice rare Justice VIII
Earn 9 revenge or avenger badges.
Even before worship of the Eternals spread to Karakesh, her knights were renowned for their honor and chivalry.

Major low justice legendary Justice VIII
In Karakesh, the rights of nobility must be earned anew with each generation. A lord must be protector and champion of the people.

Major low the hermit common
The Hermit IX
Win 2 matches while solo queuing.
Not all the Eternals have remained in the star city. Some wander the world in disguise.

Major low the hermit rare The Hermit IX
Travelers tell tales of the Hermit, fateful encounters that bring either salvation or doom.

Major low the hermit legendary The Hermit IX
To find the Hermit, you must first lose yourself.

Major low wheel of fortune common
Выполните задания других карт судьбы – 3.
В мире есть силы старше и загадочнее, нежели Вечные.

Major low wheel of fortune rare КОЛЕСО СУДЬБЫ
Выполните задания других карт судьбы – 9.
В древних местах, куда не ступала нога человека, ветер шепчет тем, кто хочет его услышать.

Major low wheel of fortune legendary КОЛЕСО СУДЬБЫ
Берегитесь детей шепота. Их обещания крутятся и искажаются вечно вращающимся колесом судьбы.