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Minor Arcana cards can be completed only by a certain hero. For every hero there is a set with 7 cards.

Click on card image to go to the set's page
FC thumb Aisling
FC thumb Beckett
FC thumb Charnok
FC thumb Ezren Ghal
FC thumb Griselma
FC thumb HK-206
Aisling Beckett Charnok Ezren Ghal Griselma HK-206
FC thumb Imani
FC thumb Lord Knossos
FC thumb Mozu
FC thumb Oru
FC thumb Pakko
FC thumb Ramsay
Imani Lord Knossos Mozu Oru Pakko Ramsay
FC thumb Rutger
FC thumb T-MAT
FC thumb The Margrave
FC thumb Tripp
FC thumb Tyto the Swift
FC thumb Uncle Sven
Rutger T-MAT The Margrave Tripp Tyto the Swift Uncle Sven
FC thumb Vadasi
FC thumb Voden
FC thumb Wu
FC thumb Xenobia
FC thumb Zandora
Vadasi Voden Wu Xenobia Zandora