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“I find you guilty of conspiring with the enemy, provoking a futile conflict...”
Glowing beams transfix the fugitive.
“...and attempted flight to avoid justice. I'd pronounce the sentence, but you're no longer in a condition to hear it.” [1]

— Vadasi



  • Ray of Light: “Like judgment itself, her radiant beams never wander, never yield, and never miss their target.” – Hierophant Jhuris, House Aurion [1]
  • Smite: It obliterates only wickedness. Some collapse from agony, some from guilt, and some from sheer surprise when secret deeds are revealed. [1]
  • Divine Wind: “You cannot defy the wind because you cannot define it. What has no beginning cannot end.” – Vadasi [1]
  • Devotion: “Unborn and undying is the Sphere. It ever curves, ever orbits, ever spins. What could be more righteous?” – Analects of the Sphere, 1:8 [1]
  • Sanctum of Faith: “Faith can march ten thousand to war, then make families cheer when only one thousand march back.” – General Vahira, House Karakesh [1]
  • The Stone Tower: She found no treasure, only inscriptions of four-armed figures and indecipherable diagrams.

